This is above my title

Hello World

Sorry, the picture is broken. :P


I ate a pineapple. Then I ate an apple. After that, I ate a cow. After I ate the cow, I threw up and went to sleep. While I was sleeping, my brother ate an apple while my mother ate a pineapple. when i walked down the street, i saw a cat and decided to chase it. It let me to a apple. I ate the apple and I turned into a cow? Will the world know im a cow? Why am I doing this? Justin told me to be an author. :3

Why are we doing this

What's the whole point of this? I like rusty spoons. I like rusty things as well. DO you like rusty stuff? I like zippers. They go up and down. Justin still wants me to be an author. I think? Why is Adrian so quiet. What's a merbivore? What's life? What's death? Hi. Im catbug? Im a giraffe. I like windows. They are shiny. They are fragile. They are cool.