My Favorite Pet

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What is my favorite pet.

My favorite pet is a fish because a fish doesn't require anything special. They don't need anything special like other pets because they spend their life in a bowl of water unlike other pets. Since a fish lives inside a bowl, you don't need to walk it or groom it like a dog or cat. A fish can entertain a person by looking at what it does see how a fish lives it's life. I would of chose the dog, but it takes a lot of effort in order to take care of a dog, such as walking it, playing with it, grooming it, training it, etc. Unlike the dog, the only thing a person has to do in order to raise a fish is feed it and clean its bowl every now and then. These are a few reason why my favorite pet is a fish.

What type of fish.

My favorite type of fish is the betta fish because they are shiny, colorful, and active. It's true name is "Siamese fighting fish" People own betta fishes in their own tanks because they fight other fishes because they are territorial. If another fish is in the same bowl as the fish is in, it'll fight the other fish so it could keep the bowl to itself. Most betta fish lives for 3-5 years.