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Tennis is a racket game that is played with two people (1v1) or four people(2v2). A game of tennis has one game which contains atleast 6 sets and atleast 4 points per set. Tennis is mostly played in Spain while other regions of the world plays it as well. Tennis is played with a racket and a yellow rubber ball. The main objective of the game is to hit the ball over the net and to the opponent's side. Even though it is mostly played for fun, competitive players go around the world versing other people and winning prizes such as trophies and money.

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Soccer is a game played globaly and is mostly called football all over the world. (except USA) Soccer requires two teams trying to shoot a medium sized ball into the other team's net. Each time they succeed, the earn one point. Who ever has the most points wins. Soccer requires a lot of running and ball control. Most people enjoy watching the soccer olympics and cheer on for their teams.

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Basketball is a sport which many people are a fan of and loves to see people play. Basketball was originated in 1891 and is still play today. Two teams takes possession of the ball tries to shoot it through a net on the other side of the court. Which ever team's ends up with the most points wins the game. On each time, there are five players running back and forth trying to shoot the ball through the hoop. Most of the balls are made up of leather, but some poeople play with synthetic leather or rubber.